Designs by Denise Photography~Mondovi, WI

Saturday, October 3, 2009


So I have spent days considering how I would begin writing about my thoughts, feelings and experiences of motherhood but nothing has inspired me to actually sit down and write, until today. I was watching the Wizard of Oz with my family when I got up to go the bathroom. Yes it seems like something very mundane, but in the world of a mom it is so much more. The bathroom a place to be alone, to have quiet, to reflect on the events of the day. Ah, but wait, a knock at the door, I ignore the knock, a bang at the door, I ignore the bang, a full blown kick and I swing over to unlock the door for fear that my three year old will wake her baby sister sleeping across the hall. And then it hits me, I am a mom, I'm never alone not even in the bathroom. In the last 6 yrs I have used the bathroom alone only a handful of times, and most of these have come in the middle of the night. Even when I'm sick the curiosity is too much for my kids. When I was pregnant I would spend hours every morning throwing up, or trying to throw up, and even then my kids had to be involved. They were either asking me what I was doing every ten seconds or sticking their head in the toilet to see what I produced. No smell or sound is enough to keep them away. This has got to be true love! I often believe my girls must think that what I do in the bathroom is mystical or magical or truly un-real. The only thing I can compare it to is when you see your teacher in a store when you are a kid and you are amazed that they are out in public. It's like you just can't believe that this person doesn't spend 24/7 at school. Maybe I've spent so much time ignoring even my basic needs that when they finally overcome me my children are in shock and just have to see the action. Whatever the draw, at least I know I'll never be alone and I am loved. I guess we'll see if they still want to follow me into the bathroom when I'm an old lady and need help wiping my butt!

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