Designs by Denise Photography~Mondovi, WI

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Bye-bye diapers

My 18 month old recently started showing an interest in using the potty. Now most mom's would say yippee to this kind of news, but I really have mixed feelings about it. As my last baby I'm a little sad to see the diapers go. With my older two I was happy to see them go, but I have been changing diapers for almost 7 years straight I can't imagine a day without it! I can't picture a world where I don't have to buy diapers and clip coupons and compare brands, fits, what leaks, what doesn't. I mean this is practically a science and has been at least a part time job for me! Not to mention my near obsession with what goes into the diaper, when, how much, how often, consistency of said item, color and the list goes on. I think I believe if I monitor this constantly I can control it and once it starts going into the potty I'm out of the loop. So Miss Maggie keeps telling me when she has to poop and I'm thinking about stalling her, what kind of wacko am I? But she is a baby, there is no need for this potty business. I mean, I will gladly continue collecting her stool for another year at least. Not to mention the thought of putting underwear on that little butt is just wrong! There is no way her pants would even stay up without a diaper. And so begins one of what I'm sure will be many things I'll see disappear over the next few years. Things that were staples in my daily routine for so long gone for good. I guess I'll have to find a way to deal with all of this change, but perhaps I can just start making everyone here chart their bathroom habits so I feel as though I'm in the loop? That wouldn't be asking too much of my family would it? Or maybe I'll just start putting diapers on the dog? Actually, diapers are probably not gone for ever, I'm sure I'll eventually have to change Jakes!

1 comment:

  1. If someone would have told us 10 years ago that we would enjoy examining baby poop we probably would have slapped them in the face. But, that being said, I do think you are nuts. What brand of disposables do you like best? So far I think my faves are the generic Kroger "natural" kind... but you have much more info in your mommy arsenal and I need you to pass that info on to me!
