Designs by Denise Photography~Mondovi, WI

Friday, February 26, 2010

When I grow up I want to have bad oral hygiene

No one ever says, "when I grow up I want to have bad oral hygiene," but chances are if you have kids you do. I had a very hectic morning this morning, 3 girls to get up and dressed, one to get to school, 3 dogs to get outside, 5 fish to feed, two cats to take care of and I had to be in Durand for a teachers conference at 8 am, which is a half hour from my house. So I had to have everyone ready for their day and leave my house by 7:30 am. Just a side note that my husband only had to get up and wash himself and leave for work and it's important to note that he had the time to wash himself. So as I was about to leave I realized I had yet to brush me teeth but I was running late and I didn't have time to do it, so I grabbed my tooth brush and a tube of toothpaste and threw it in my purse and decided I'd brush my teeth when I got to work. There was a day not too many years back when I would have never, ever left the house without having brushed my teeth, and I would absolutely never have put my tooth brush into my purse with god knows what kind of bacteria in it, but those days are gone!!! So when I got to work I went into the bathroom and brushed my teeth. After a few minutes I found myself getting really bored, and then I thought how weird that I feel bored brushing my teeth, and then it occured to me that I haven't stood in the same spot to brush my teeth in almost 7 years. AS a matter of fact if there were a competition based on brushing your teeth while accomplishing other tasks I would certainly win. I can brush my teeth and switch the laundry, answer the phone, fix 3 little girls' hair, load the dishwasher, prepare breakfast, vacuum and start my van, and these are only a few examples. Of course the downside to all of this multitasking is that I pay no attention to how well my teeth are being brushed and I very rarely have time to check to make sure all of gunk is out of my braces. I just tell myself when I grow old and my teeth fall out I can blame it all on my kids! All of this is so ironic because, I never let my kids leave the bathroom with their toothbrush and I would never let them go anywhere without brushing their teeth! Too bad they don't afford me the same courtesy. Perhaps when they are all 30 years old I show up for random visits to interrupt their hygiene rituals....................and I haven't even discussed not getting a shower!